
6 Must-Do Marketing Tips to Successfully Launch a New Product

Marketing Tips to Successfully Launch a New Product

A product launch can make or break your business. No wonder it is exciting and nerve-wracking.

Regardless, we cannot deny that it needs robust planning and keen attention to detail.

Luckily, there are marketing techniques that you can use to ensure a successful product launch. Keep on reading to know how you can enjoy quick wins for your new product:

Prepare an FAQ

It is undeniable that people will have plenty of questions regarding your new product. Hence, it would be best to prepare answers to frequently asked questions before launching your product.

You can publish it on your website and send it to your customer support team. It will also help if you train your support and sales team regarding your new product. That way, they can answer FAQs readily.

Have a Pre-launch Giveaway

The key to a successful product launch is to create a sense of excitement. This is where having a pre-launch giveaway could come in handy.

Hosting a giveaway can be pretty straightforward. What’s important is that you select people who can help get the word out about your products.

A typical example of a pre-launch giveaway is “Tag, Like, and Share” on social media. What happens is that you share a photo of your products and ask your followers to like and share it with their network.

That way, many people become aware of the product. It is also an excellent opportunity to increase your number of followers and drive engagement.

Practice SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a digital marketing tactic that allows you to boost your brand’s online visibility.

You can search for beginner-friendly SEO guides on Google. Regardless, it all boils down to the following:

  • Keyword research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • On-page and off-page optimization
  • Website data analysis

We use the same process when running an organic online campaign for our clients at VoyMedia Marketing Agency NYC. That’s because SEO positions your brand for relevant keywords.

If you are launching a beauty product, you can rank for that keyword. This can result in a positive brand association. Meaning, whenever someone thinks of a beauty product, they will think of you.

Run an Online PR Campaign

Another tip for a successful product launch is to create a buzz around it. This is where online PR campaigns could come in handy.

Sure, PR means that you need to shell out some money. But there is something that you can do to make it cost-effective.

For one, consider the websites that your target market often visits. If you are launching a beauty product, it can be news and magazine websites or beauty blogs.

Another thing you should consider is your content. Invest in a compelling PR content. That way, the majority of your contacts will be happy to publish it. In relation to this, Ron Stein shares writing tips to improve your PR content.

Work With Online Influencers

Aside from PR, you can also work with online influencers to create buzz around your products.

Online influencers are people who have thousands of social media followers. It is not just because they are internet famous, but because people deem them as industry leaders. Hence, they can help spread the word about your brand to the right people.

This means that if you are launching a new beauty product, you need to work with beauty influencers.

However, do not rely on the number of followers alone. You’d be surprised to know that there are influencers who buy social media followers.

That said, it would be best to look at their followers. This is to know whether their followers are human and bots. You can also take this opportunity to check whether their followers are your target market.

Another thing to look into is whether their values align with yours. Doing so ensures that you are establishing a meaningful relationship with the right influencers.

Use Email Marketing

Just because email marketing is a tactic as old as time does not mean it no longer works. It just a matter of knowing who to email.

Hence, the first thing you should do is segment your email list. In the case of your new beauty product launch, you can opt to create the following list:

  • Existing customers
  • People who opt-in for product updates
  • Customers who often buy beauty products from you*

These lists are composed of people who are more likely to be interested in your new products.

Doing so allows you to maximize your email marketing platform. It also allows you to be effective when running an email marketing campaign.

* Considering you are selling items other than beauty products.


Creating a product and mastering your branding can only do so much. You will need to exert some effort to create a buzz around your product. Otherwise, no one will know that your new product exists.

That said, you might want to give these marketing tips a try:

  1. Prepare an FAQ
  2. Have a pre-launch giveaway
  3. Practice SEO
  4. Run an online PR campaign
  5. Work with online influencers
  6. Use email marketing

Following these tips ensure that you will have a successful product launch.

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